
A number of terms appearing in the document are described below:
Terms Description
Execute Action Table Executes an action file of Alpha2
Voice Dictation Transcribes speech in to text (STT)
Speech Synthesis Synthesizes text into speech (TTS)
Semantic Understanding Q & A
Syntax Recognition word to active Voice Dictation of Alpha2
Occupy and Release Microphone When the robot is idle and has been occupying the microphone , the robot must release the microphone in order to allow a third-party developer to use the microphone. When the third party no longer needs the microphone, the robot can occupy the microphone again.

About Integration

Step 1: Import SDK
[1] create an Android project in Eclipse;
[2] Copy alpha2robotlib.jar and alpha2serverlibutil.jar to the directory “libs” of the Android project, as shown below.
[3] check RobotLib SDK version Alpha2RobotApi.getSdkVersion(); [4] check the corresponding Alpha2s’s server version Alpha2RobotApi.getServerVersion();
Step 2: add related voice function
[1] Create object of your program and initialise.mRobot = new Alpha2RobotApi(this, “123456”)
Parameter Description
this context of the application
APPID (exam:“123456”) the unique identification of your program, need to apply when you create your program
[2] Initialisation of voice dictation, TTS and semantics understanding mRobot = new Alpha2RobotApi(this, “123456”).
Initialise the object of voice service: mRobot.initSpeechApi(IClientListene, ISpeechInitInterface);
Parameter Description
IClientListene The realization of client and interface connection, which is using in the callback of voice dictation result and TTS play completion.
ISpeechInitInterface the realisation of interface initialisation, which is using in the callback of voice initialisation.

public void initOver()
{ //initialise the object of voice service and complete callback.
mRobot.speech_setVoiceName(“xiaoyan");//set up the pronunciation
mRobot.speech_setRecognizedLanguage(“zh_cn");//set recognised language
mRobot.speech_startRecognized(“");//start voice recognization
public void onServerCallBack(String text)
//callback of voice dictation result
public void onServerPlayEnd(boolean isEnd)
// callback of TTS play completion

[3] specific application TTS:
//use the default pronunciation: Xiaoyan
mRobot.speech_StartTTS(“Hello, my name is Alpha, nice to meet you!”); //Pronunciation: Catherine
mRobot.speech_startTTS(“Hello, my name is Alpha", "Catherine");
voice dictation:
When the interface of IClientListene has realised, you can get the continuous voice dictation result of Robot within a period of time from the method onServerCallBack speech synthesis (TTS):

IAlpha2RobotTextUnderstandListener Robot The interface of semantic understand callback require to implement the following two methods
public void onAlpha2UnderStandTextResult(String arg0)
//get the result of semantic, and broadcast out with TTS
public void onAlpha2UnderStandError(int arg0)
throws RemoteException {
//error code of semantic understanding

Mic occupy and release

[1] If there has a third-part app is using Mic when it is running, it should make Alpha2 to release Mic when another app like “Tom the Cat” wanted to replace the app. Until the app is no longer using,Alpha2 will continued to occupy Mic.
[2] Developer can continue to apply mic resource after complete voice function initialisation.

ISpeechInitInterface : public void initOver() { //apply mic resource after complete voice function initialisation mRobot.speech_SetMIC(true); //release mic resource when the running app exited mRobot.speech_SetMIC(false); }

Execute motion in motion list

[1] initialise object of motion list
[2] execute motion
[3] stop motion

Syntax recognition

[1] initialise object of syntax recognition

mRobot.speech_initGrammar(IAlpha2SpeechGrammarInitListener); IAlpha2SpeechGrammarInitListener: void speechGrammarInitCallback(String grammarID, int nErrorCode){ //callback of syntax initialisation nErrorCode ==0 //initialise successfully }

[2] execute Syntax recognition

mRobot.speeh_startGrammar(IAlpha2SpeechGrammarListener); IAlpha2SpeechGrammarListener: void onSpeechGrammarResult(String strResultType, String strResult) { //callback of the result of syntax recognition} void onSpeechGrammarError(int nErrorCode);

Entrance of third party development

[1] The third party application development must rely on our Robot to start, so start is a very important entrance. Developer must obey to
[2] The third party applications must register a broadcast for monitoring the event whose action is ‘com.ubtechinc.closeapp’.
Developer should release all resources when monitoring the broadcast event. If these is other application occupy the microphone, you must first release the microphone resources.


[3] Receive third-party app configuration information: Developer need to monitoring the broadcast send from the service whose action is the third party application package name. For example:

filter.addActionthis.getPackageName() ; Receiving part Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras(); TransferAppDat data = (TransferAppData) bundle.getSerializable("appdata"); byte[] ipData = data .getDatas();

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